Greek Language
Although the official language in Greece and Athens is Greek, English is also widely spoken, so you shouldn’t experience any problems when visiting the city.
English is very widely spoken in Greece, especially in the most touristy parts of the city. Most Greeks working either in hotels, restaurants or in shops will have no difficulty communicating with English-speakers.
Useful expressions
It is always a good idea to carry around a small list of useful expressions and your favorite food in Greek once you get to Athens, just in case you come across non-English speakers.
- Hello/goodbye
- Yásas
- Good morning
- Kaliméra
- Good afternoon
- Kalispéra
- Good night
- Kaliníjta
- Yes
- Nai
- No
- Ochi
- Please
- Parakaló
- Thank you
- Efjaristó
- You're welcome
At a restaurant
- Aperitif
- Oreftiká
- Ice-cream
- Pagotó
- Milk
- Gála
- Tea
- Chái
- Roast
- Psitó
- Boiled
Brastó - Grilled
- Sta cárbuna
- Fried
- Tiganitó
- Salt
- Aláti
- Pepper
- Pipéri
- Oregano
Rígani - Onion
- Cremídi
- Garlic
- Skórdo
- Bread
- Psomí
- Prawns
- Garídes
- Vegetables
- Lajaniká
- Fish
- Psári
- Lamb
- Arnáki
- Chicken
- Kotópulo
- Pork
- Girinó
- Veal
- Mosjári
- Meat
- Créas
- The bill
- To logariasmó
- Melon
- Pepóni
- Watermelon
- Carpusi
Days of the week
- Monday
- Deftéra
- Tuesday
- Tríti
- Wednesday
- Tetárti
- Thursday
- Pémti
- Friday
- Paraskeví
- Saturday
- Sábato
- Sunday
- Kiriakí
- Zero
- Midén
- One
- Éna
- Two
- Dío
- Three
- Tría
- Four
- Tésera
- Five
- Pénte
- Six
- Éxi
- Seven
- Eptá
- Eight
- Octó
- Nine
- Enéa
- Ten
- Déka