Theatre of Dionysus

Theatre of Dionysus

The Theatre of Dionysus was used as a theatre from the sixth century BC onwards. It was the first and largest theatre to be built in Athens and could seat up to 17,000 people.

Located on the south side of the Acropolis, the Theatre of Dionysus was dedicated to Dionysus, the Greek god of drama.


During early Ancient Greece, it is believed that the Athenians would have sat on the cliff side of the Acropolis, where the current theatre stands, to worship Dionysus. It is thought that during the rule of Peisistratus, the first festivals in honor of the same god were held, consisting of contests by mimes, musicians and dancers. These were the first plays in Athens.

When the Theatre of Dionysus was first built, it probably had wooden seating that were later replaced by stone. The first row was reserved for the most important citizens of Athens, who would sit on more comfortable marble seats and were next to an altar dedicated to Dionysus.

Some of the most important Greek plays of the time were first performed in this theatre, including tragedies by Sophocles, Aristophanes and Aeschylus.

Present Day

Despite the passage of time, The Theatre of Dionysus still maintains its essence. It is extremely enjoyable to sit on its grandstand and imagine viewing one of the first Classic Greek plays.


Every day from 8am to 5pm. 


Combined adult ticket: 30 (US$ 32.47)
Combined EU student ticket: Free entry
Included in the ticket: entrance to the Acropolis, Ancient Agora, Roman Agora, Dionysus Theatre, Kerameikos, Temple of Olympian Zeus and Hadrian's Library. 


Metro: Akropoli, line 2.

Nearby places

Parthenon (151 m) Acropolis of Athens (178 m) Acropolis Museum (183 m) Anafiotika (237 m) Plaka (274 m)